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Fort Myers
Workers' Comp Firm

Fort Myers, located on Florida’s southwest coast, is a sun-drenched paradise that seamlessly blends historical charm with modern allure. Nestled along the Caloosahatchee River, this city boasts a rich history dating back to the 19th century, evident in its well-preserved architecture and landmarks.

One such gem is the Edison and Ford Winter Estates, former winter retreats of inventors Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, showcasing their contributions to technology and industry.

Beyond its historical roots, Fort Myers is renowned for its vibrant arts and cultural scene. The downtown River District pulses with energy, offering a plethora of galleries, theaters, and live music venues.

Visitors can stroll along the palm-lined streets, explore the eclectic boutiques, and indulge in a diverse culinary scene that caters to all tastes.

Nature enthusiasts find solace in the nearby natural wonders, with the pristine beaches of Sanibel and Captiva Islands just a short drive away. The J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island beckons bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts, providing a sanctuary for native species.

With its tropical climate, cultural richness, and natural beauty, Fort Myers stands as a quintessential Florida destination, appealing to history buffs, art aficionados, and sunseekers alike.

Fort Myers, Florida Pier beach

If you have been injured at your workplace in Fort Myers, Florida law states that you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits as long as certain conditions are met. If you have applied for benefits and been denied, or have not filed yet, filing your claim with the help of a workers’ compensation attorney will greatly increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Contact Work Injury Rights today to schedule your risk-free consultation with one of our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys.

Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak with you. Our team has years of experience helping people just like you get the compensation that they deserve and are entitled to for their workplace injuries. Best of all, you pay us nothing unless we win your case! Call our office today and let us help you get maximum compensation for your workers’ comp claim.

Injured On The Job?
We Can Help







Claims Process

Comprehending the intricacies of the workers’ compensation claims procedure is essential when confronted with workplace injuries. At Work Injury Rights, we provide our clients with support throughout each phase, which encompasses:

  • Initiating the injury report
  • Conducting medical assessments and delivering treatment
  • Initiating the claims process with the relevant authorities
  • Engaging in negotiations with insurance providers
  • Pursuing resolution or legal action if circumstances demand it


Compensable Work Injuries

Workers’ compensation doesn’t cover every workplace injury. We assist clients in recognizing what constitutes a compensable work-related injury, which may encompass:

  • Incidents occurring on the company’s premises
  • Work-related ailments or medical conditions
  • Injuries sustained during business-related travel
  • Occupational injuries that develop gradually over time (such as repetitive stress injuries)


Workplace injury conflicts often prove intricate and emotionally taxing. Our skilled team lends a hand to clients in resolving disputes that encompass:

  • Rejections of benefit claims
  • Conflicts regarding the severity of injuries
  • Instances of employer retaliation or bias

Maximum Medical Improvement

Recognizing your Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) status holds paramount importance for your medical care and benefits. Our MMI-related services encompass:

  • Providing comprehensive explanations of MMI and its implications for your continuing healthcare, ensuring you possess a thorough understanding of your health status and recovery prospects.
  • Maintaining continuous oversight of your medical treatment and recovery journey, closely collaborating with healthcare professionals to pinpoint when you safely and efficiently reach MMI.
  • Advocating for fitting benefits in line with your MMI status, which may involve negotiations for ongoing medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, or additional support to facilitate your path to an improved quality of life.


Pre-Existing Injuries

Work-related injuries in the presence of pre-existing conditions can introduce complexities into workers’ compensation claims. Our team specializes in helping clients navigate cases related to pre-existing conditions, which may encompass:

  • The exacerbation or worsening of pre-existing injuries due to work-related incidents.
  • Situations where pre-existing conditions interact with and are exacerbated by work-related injuries.
  • The process of providing evidence to establish the impact of work on pre-existing conditions, highlighting the relationship between the two.

Reporting a Work Injury

Effectively reporting a workplace injury plays a pivotal role in determining eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. We provide clients with guidance on:

  • The significance of reporting the injury promptly.
  • The process of notifying both the employer and the insurer.
  • The thorough documentation of the injury and its associated treatment.

Workers Comp Benefits

Grasping the available benefits within the realm of workers’ compensation proves crucial for injured workers. We offer clarity regarding:

  • Medical benefits covering treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Compensation for lost wages.
  • Access to vocational rehabilitation services.
  • Benefits extended to surviving family members in the event of a worker’s demise.

Workers Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws can be complex and vary by state. In Florida, we help clients navigate the specific regulations and requirements related to workers’ compensation claims, ensuring their rights are protected.

At Work Injury Rights, we are dedicated to helping injured workers in Fort Myers, FL, navigate the workers’ compensation system and achieve the best possible outcomes in their cases. Our experienced attorneys are here to provide guidance and representation throughout the entire process.


Fort Myers Office

9160 Forum Corporate Parkway
Suite 350
Ft. Myers, Florida 33905


At WorkInjuryRights.Com™, we are always ready to fight for your rights, getting you the compensation you deserve! Learn more about workers’ compensation claims, appeals, and common work-related accidents in Florida.


At WorkInjuryRights.Com™, we are always ready to fight for your rights, getting you the compensation you deserve! Learn more about workers’ compensation claims, appeals, and common work-related accidents in Florida.


Watch our videos to help you file a workers’ compensation claim with the right legal representation!



We Will Fight For You!

Let Us Get The Compensation You Deserve