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Florida Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Need a Florida workers’ compensation lawyer?

  • If you’ve been hurt on the job, we can help
  • We’ve helped thousands recover the benefits they deserve
  • If we don’t win, you don’t pay!

Call 954-833-5226 to get an experienced workers’ comp attorney today.

Table of Contents

Types of Benefits Available

An injured employee files workers' compensation claims to receive workers' comp

Medical Benefits

In the state of Florida, workers’ compensation law requires employers to provide coverage for all necessary medical treatment related to a work injury. This includes visits to approved medical providers, such as doctors, specialists, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals.

The goal of this coverage is to ensure that injured workers receive prompt and appropriate medical care to help them recover and return to work as quickly as possible. Employers are responsible for paying for all medical expenses related to the work injury, including doctor’s visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation services.

In some cases, injured workers may also be entitled to receive compensation for travel expenses to and from medical appointments. It is important for injured workers to follow the treatment plan prescribed by their approved medical provider in order to receive the full benefits available under Florida’s workers’ compensation system.

Disability Benefits

Under Florida workers’ compensation, injured workers who suffer from work-related injuries are entitled to various forms of disability benefits. These benefits are designed to compensate for lost wages due to an inability to work, either temporarily or permanently, and are a critical component of the workers’ compensation benefits system.

The nature and duration of these benefits depend on the severity of the injury and the worker’s ability to return to work.

Temporary Total Disability (TTD):

TTD benefits are available to workers who are completely unable to work for a temporary period due to a work-related injury. These benefits aim to replace a portion of the injured worker’s lost wages and are typically calculated based on a percentage of the worker’s average weekly wage prior to the injury.

Under Florida workers’ compensation law, TTD benefits continue until the worker has reached maximum medical improvement or is able to return to work in some capacity.

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD):

Temporary Partial Disability benefits are provided to workers who can return to work but are unable to earn their pre-injury wages due to their injury. TPD benefits make up a portion of the difference between the worker’s earnings before and after the injury. This ensures that workers are partially compensated for their lost wages while they recover and work in a limited capacity.

Permanent Total Disability (PTD):

Permanent Total Disability benefits are designed for workers who sustain injuries so severe that they are unable to return to any form of employment. Under Florida law, workers who qualify for PTD benefits may receive them for life, reflecting the enduring impact of their injuries.

Permanent total disability benefits are a vital safety net for those who have suffered the most serious work-related injuries, ensuring they continue to receive financial support even after reaching maximum medical improvement.

Each category of disability benefits plays a crucial role in the workers’ compensation system, providing much-needed financial assistance to injured workers. Navigating the complexities of these benefits can be challenging, which is why consulting with a workers’ compensation attorney can be beneficial. An attorney can help clarify eligibility, assist with the claims process, and ensure that injured employees receive the full range of compensation benefits they are entitled to under Florida workers’ compensation.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD):

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits are designed for Florida workers who sustain work-related injuries resulting in permanent impairments that do not completely limit their ability to work. These benefits are calculated based on the severity of the impairment, as determined by the maximum medical improvement status and according to guidelines established under Florida law.

PPD benefits aim to compensate the injured worker for the loss of earning capacity, factoring in the specific body part affected and the degree of permanent limitation. This ensures that workers who can still engage in employment, but not at their full capacity or pre-injury wage levels, receive the necessary support to help bridge the gap in their lost wages.

Death Benefits:

Death benefits under Florida workers’ compensation provide crucial financial assistance to the dependents of a worker who dies due to a work-related injury or illness. These benefits include coverage for funeral and burial expenses and compensation to the worker’s dependents, such as a spouse, children, or other qualifying family members.

The amount and duration of these benefits vary, with considerations given to the dependent’s relationship to the deceased and other factors defined by Florida workers’ compensation laws. Death benefits serve as a vital support system, ensuring that families facing the sudden loss of a loved one due to a workplace injury receive the financial security needed during such a challenging time.

Eligibility Requirements

A workers' comp claimant collects payment for medical bills - compensation benefits

To qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in Florida, individuals must meet specific criteria set forth under Florida workers’ compensation law. Injured workers must be employees of a business that carries workers’ compensation insurance and have suffered a work-related injury or illness. Independent contractors and volunteers may not be eligible under the same criteria.

A critical aspect of establishing eligibility is the timely reporting of injuries. Florida law mandates that injured employees report their workplace injury or illness to their employer within 30 days of its occurrence or discovery. Failure to adhere to this timeframe may jeopardize one’s ability to receive benefits.

How to Apply for Benefits

Filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in Florida involves several key steps:

  1. Report the Injury: Immediately inform your employer about the injury or illness. This notification should be as detailed as possible, describing how the injury occurred and any medical treatment received.
  2. Medical Documentation: Seek medical attention promptly from an authorized medical provider. Ensure that all medical care and treatment related to your injury are documented, as these records are essential for your claim.
  3. Employer Notification: Upon receiving your report, your employer should notify their workers’ compensation insurance carrier about the incident. This initiates the claim process.
  4. Claim Filing: In some cases, you may need to file a claim directly with the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation. This step is necessary if your employer does not report the injury or if there are disputes about the claim.
  5. Documentation and Deadlines: Gather and submit all relevant documentation, including medical records, a detailed account of the incident, and any correspondence related to your injury. Be mindful of the deadlines for submitting your claim and any additional documentation.

Following these steps and ensuring all documentation is accurate and submitted within the required timelines are crucial for a successful workers’ compensation claim in Florida.

For assistance with the process or to address challenges such as a denied claim, consider consulting with a workers’ compensation attorney at Work Injury Rights today.

What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied

A lawyer discusses Florida workers' compensation claims and medical benefits

If your workers’ compensation claim in Florida is denied, it’s crucial not to lose hope. There’s a structured appeals process designed to review and potentially overturn such decisions. Understanding this process and knowing when to seek professional legal assistance can significantly impact the outcome of your claim.

Navigating the Appeals Process:

1.) Review the Denial Notice: Carefully examine the reason(s) for the denial provided by the insurance company. Common reasons include questions about whether the injury is work-related, insufficient medical documentation, or missed reporting deadlines.

2.) File a Petition for Benefits: In Florida, you can challenge a denied claim by filing a Petition for Benefits with the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation. This petition must be filed within two years from the date of the injury.

3.) Mediation and Hearing: Most denied claims go through a mediation process before a formal hearing is scheduled. Mediation is an opportunity to resolve the dispute with the insurance company through negotiation.

4.) Final Hearing: If mediation doesn’t result in an agreement, the case proceeds to a final hearing before a Judge of Compensation Claims. This is where evidence is presented, and arguments are made on your behalf.

When to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney:

  • Complexity of Your Case: If your case involves complex medical issues or significant disputes over the facts, legal representation can be crucial.
  • Appeals Process: An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can navigate the Florida workers’ compensation appeals process, advocate for your rights, and present a compelling case at the mediation or hearing.
  • Maximizing Your Benefits: Attorneys skilled in workers’ compensation can often secure more favorable settlements or judgments, ensuring you receive the full range of benefits you’re entitled to.

Consulting with a workers’ compensation attorney following a denied claim can provide you with the expertise and support needed to challenge the decision effectively.

Legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your appeal, offering you the best chance at securing the compensation benefits you deserve for your work-related injury or illness.

If you’re looking to secure your benefits, give us a call at 954-833-5226 today for help.